zurück Home SCC-AG
allgemeines Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen Serumspiegel. Plattenepithel-Antigen.
praetherapeutisch erhöht schlechtere Prognose
häufiger pelvine Lymphknotenmetastasen
schlechtes Ansprechen auf Bestrahlung
schlechtes Ansprechen auf Radiochemotherapie
Anstieg nach Therapie Zeichen eines Rezidivs
Quellen 1.) Scambia G, Benedetti Panici P, Foti E, et al.
Squamous cell carcinoma antigen: Prognostic significance and role in the monitoring of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in cervical cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 12 (1994)2309–2316.

2.) Reesink-Peters N, van der Velden J, ten Hoor KA, et al.
Preoperative serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels in clinical decision making for patients with early stage cervical cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 23 (2005)1455–1462

3.) Takeda M, Sakaragi N, Okamoto K, et al.
Preoperative serum SCC, CA 125 and CA 19-9 levels and lymph node status in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 81 (2002)451–457

4.) Molina R, Filella X, Lejarcegui JA, et al.
Prospective evaluation of squamous cell carcinoma and carcinoembryonic antigen as prognostic factors in patients with cervical cancer.
Tumour Biol. 24 (2003)156–164

5.) Ohno T, Nakayama Y, Nakamoto S, et al.
Measurement of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels as a predictor of radiation response in patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
Cancer. 97 (2003) 3114–3120

6.) Micke O, Prott FJ, Schafer U, et al.
The impact of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen in the follow-up after radiotherapy in patients with cervical cancer.
Anticancer Res. 20 (2000) 5113–5115

7.) Bolger BS, Dabbas M, Lopes A, et al.
Prognostic value of preoperative squamous cell carcinoma antigen level in patients surgically treated for cervical carcinoma.
Gynecol Oncol. 65 (1997)309–313

8.) Hong JH, Tsai CS, Chang JT, et al.
The prognostic significance of pre- and posttreatment SCC levels in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix treated by radiotherapy.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 41 (1998)823–830

9.) Pras E, Willemse PH, Canrinus AA, et al.
Serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen and CYFRA 21-1 in cervical cancer treatment.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 52 (2002)23–32

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