
Brustkrebs - Screening: Regelversorgung


Im Rahmen kontrollierter Studien konnte die Mammographie die Brustkrebssterblichkeit senken. Jetzt können einige Länder den Effekt auch in der Regelversorgung nachweisen.

Land MortalitätssenkungBezug
Dänemark (2) 37% Teilnehmerinnen
Schweden (6,7) 43% Teilnehmerinnen
England (1) 48% Teilnehmerinnen
Italien (4) 36% Teilnehmerinnen
Australien (5) 30-41% Teilnehmerinnen
Niederlande (3) 26% Bevölkerung

nach (8)


1.) Allgood PC, Warwick J, Warren RM, et al.:
A case-control study of the impact of the East Anglian breast Screening programme on breast Cancer mortality.
Br J Cancer 98(2008):206-9

2.) Olsen AH, Njor SH, Vejborg I, et al.:
Breast cancer mortality in Copenhagen after introduction of mammography Screening: cohort study.
BMJ 330(2005): 220.

3.) Otten JD, Broeders MJ, Fracheboud J, et al.:
Impres-sive time-related influence of the Dutch Screening Programme on breast cancer incidence and mortality, 1975-2006.
Int J Cancer 123(2008):1929-34.

4.) Puliti D, Miccinesi G, Collina N, et al.:
Effectiveness of service Screening: a case-control study to assess breast cancer mortality reduction.
Br J Cancer 99(2008):423-7

5.) Roder D, Houssami N, Farshid G, et al.:
Population Screening and intensity of Screening are associated with reduced breast cancer mortality: evidence of efficacy of mammography Screening in Australia.
Breast Cancer Res Treat 108(2008):409-16

6.) The Swedish Organised Service Screening Evaluation Group.
Reduction in breast cancer mortality from organized service Screening with mammography: 1. Further confirmation with extended data.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(2006): 45-51

7.) The Swedish Organised Service Screening Evaluation Group.
Reduction in breast Cancer mortality from the organised service Screening with mammography: 2. Validation with alternative analytic methods.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(2006):52-6

8.) Junkermann H:
Mammadiagnostik zur Brustkrebsfrüherkennung.
Onkopipeline 2(2009):146-52

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