zurück Home Dosis: primäre Strahlentherapie des Prostata-Ca
Studie / Autor Pat. Random LRFS FFBF Rektum Tox.
MGH-Studie (3) 202, T3/4 RT 67,2 Gy 78% 61% 8
RT 75,6Gy, Protonen-Boost 88% 80% 17
MDACC-Studie (1,2) 305, T1-3 RT 70Gy 82% 50% 13
RT 78Gy 93% 73% 26
Dutch-Trial (4,5) 664, T1-3 RT 68Gy 76% 54% 27
RT 78Gy 76% 64% 23

LRFS: Local recurence free surv1val, Überleben ohne Lokalrezidiv
FFBF: free from biochemical failor, Überleben ohne PSA-Rezidiv
Rektum Tox: Rektum Toxizität > Grad 1
Quellen 1.) MDACC: M.D.Anderson Cancer Centre
Dearnaley DP, Hall E, Lawrence D, et al.:
Phase III pilot study of dose escalation using conformal radiotherapy in prostate cancer: PSA control and side effects.
Br J Cancer 2005;92:488–498

2.) Pollack A, Zagars GK, Starkschall G, et al.:
Prostate cancer radiation dose response: Results of the M. D. Anderson phase III randomized trial.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;53:1097–1105

3.) MGH: Massachusetts General Hospital
Shipley WU, Verhey LJ, Munzenrider JE, et al.:
Advanced prostate cancer: The results of a randomized comparative trial of high dose irradiation boosting with conformal protons compared with conventional dose irradiation using photons alone.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1995;32:3–12

4.) Dutch Trial
Kuban D, Tucker S, Dong L, et al.:
Long-term results of a randomized dose escalation trial for prostate cancer.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006;66:8–9

5.) Peeters ST, Heemsbergen WD, Koper PC, et al.:
Dose-response in radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: Results of the Dutch multicenter randomized phase III trial comparing 68 Gy of radiotherapy with 78 Gy.
J Clin Oncol 2006;24:1990–1996

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